
Carlos III and the Puerta de Acalá

By | 25 October, 2020 | 0 comments

Read these words and you might start humming the song by Ana Belén and Víctor Manuel that brought fame to this gate and the man who had it built.


The Puerta de Alcalá is one of Madrid’s architectural treasures, sitting almost in front of the Retiro gardens and the famous Gran Vía, making it easy for the many visitors who come to the capital to stop and contemplate its majesty, and take a customary photo.

Upon his forst arrival in Madrid to become king after the death of his brother Fernando VI, Carlos III entered through the Puerta de Alcalá and he found he did not like it. He decided that a new gate should be designed that would be capable of conveying that majesty and elegance that he wanted to bring to Madrid.

Among the plans proposed, the most promising were those of Ventura Rodríguez and Francesco Sabatini. Carlos III chose to combine the two plans, which is why the facades are different.

The Puerta de Alcalá was unveiled in 1769 as the first modern triumphal arch after the fall of the Roman Empire.

Since it was designed and built, this neoclassical door has been the centre of many experiences in the city of Madrid and today it still dominates the background of many events due to the width of the avenue where it is located and its proximity to the Retiro.

It is sometimes said that Carlos III was the best mayor Madrid ever had, and that his care for the city was outstanding. The Botanical Garden, the Cibeles and Neptuno fountains or the Paseo del Prado were also restored under his rule.


Categories: Madrid Cultura