
Marta Pano

Some plans for Christmas in Madrid

By | 17 December, 2023 | 0 comments

Christmas is here. Every year it is brought forward a little bit sooner to be able to stretch its magic like gum and make the most of the intoxicating perfume given off by the combination of chestnuts in the warmth of the thousands of lights that illuminate the city.

There are many people in Madrid who do not want to miss a single detail of what the city has to offer during these dates, Read full article

Categories: Madrid Eventos, Madrid Turismo, Uncategorized

(Español) 25 años sin Gloria Fuertes

By | 7 December, 2023 | 0 comments

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.

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Categories: Madrid Cultura

Exhibition of Miguel Hernández. The poet who made toys

By | 27 November, 2023 | 0 comments

Lovers of literature and history have an appointment at the National Library with Miguel Hernández: the poet who made toys. The exhibition differs greatly from others already held on the figure of Miguel Hernández as it combines tenderness, art, love, nostalgia and, yes, echoes of the desire for freedom in a Spain in which defending one’s own ideas was often synonymous with ending up in prison. Read full article

Categories: Madrid Cultura

The Berlin Wall. A World Divided, the exhibition arrives in Madrid

By | 15 November, 2023 | 0 comments

From the 9th of November the Castellana 214 exhibition space of the Fundación Canal will host the travelling exhibition ‘The Berlin Wall. A World Divided’, a must see for all history buffs.

Built in 1961, the Berlin Wall was, in many ways, a tangible manifestation of the two Germanys that existed during the Cold War, one aligned with the USSR and one with the USA. Read full article

Categories: Madrid Cultura

(Español) José Zorrilla y Don Juan Tenorio, protagonistas cada año

By | 6 November, 2023 | 0 comments

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.

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Categories: Madrid Cultura

Three ramen restaurants

By | 26 October, 2023 | 0 comments

Madrid is a cradle of cultures and international gastronomy, and like most major cities, there’s an almost infinite variety of culinary offerings from around the world to be found in restaurants throughout the city. On this occasion we’re going to focus on a particular dish that has been fashionable for some time now: ramen.

Although ramen has its origins in Chinese cuisine, Read full article

Categories: Madrid Restaurantes

(Español) Picasso, lo sagrado y lo profano en el Museo Thyssen

By | 17 October, 2023 | 0 comments

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.

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Categories: Madrid Cultura

El Corte Inglés and Disney

By | 7 October, 2023 | 0 comments

If there’s one shopping complex in Spain that stands as the flagship for the country, it’s El Corte Inglés.  Established in 1935 when its founder bought a small tailor’s shop in the heart of Madrid, its trajectory known to all and both its slogans and proximity have become part of the country’s heritage.

A visit to Cortylandia every Christmas is as common as a visit to any other show held around those dates, Read full article

Categories: Madrid Ocio

Pompeii: the new immersive exhibition in Madrid

By | 25 September, 2023 | 0 comments

The exhibition can be seen in the Matadero Madrid Centre up until the 15th of October

A new immersive exhibition has arrived in Madrid this month, “The last days of Pompeii”, an exhibition endorsed by the Archaeological Museum of Pompeii which can be seen at the Matadero Centre in Madrid.

Pompeii, or simply Pompei, in its Italian version, Read full article

Categories: Madrid Ocio

Antonio López returned to Paint from the Puerta del Sol this summer

By | 14 September, 2023 | 0 comments

This summer, as every summer, the Puerta del Sol was visited by countless local and international tourists who, braving the heat, wanted to snap a photo in the new Km. 0, with the Bear and the Madrone, or in front of the famous clock that chimes at midnight every year on New Year’s Eve.

Hidden among these attractions, Read full article

Categories: Madrid Cultura

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