

Planes para los amantes de los animales

By | 26 March, 2016 | 0 comments

Small oasis for animal life emerge in the middle of the asphalt, habitats created by man where different creatures seem to accommodate themselves. One of them is La Gatoteca (Calle Argumosa, 28), a space dedicated to the feline universe where you can enjoy the company of these animals while you have a cup of coffee or tea and ponder whether to adopt one or not. Read full article

Categories: Madrid Ocio

Algunos de los mejores restaurantes de Madrid

By | 15 March, 2016 | 0 comments

Time Out magazine elaborated a list with what they think are the 100 best restaurants in Madrid. It’s a useful list to have since it’s divided in sections, which saves us from the horror vacui feeling of “where shall we go for dinner?” in a city where there are so many options. Read full article

Categories: Sin categoría

Los mejores planes con niños

By | 6 March, 2016 | 0 comments

Children also have a right to enjoy the big city and have fun in it. Madrid is always ready for them and has plenty of fun plans on offer, especially stage shows. One of them is Randolf the Magician in Let’s Save the Stories, a story that tells the adventures of this magician who has been entrusted to save classic stories such as Little Red Riding Hood, Read full article

Categories: Madrid Ocio

Conoce el más desconocido de los grandes museos de Madrid

By | 2 September, 2015 | 0 comments

Real_Academia_de_Bellas_Artes_de_San_FernandoWhen it comes to museums, it’s not all about the Prado or the Reina Sofía. A few yards from Puerta del Sol and four metro stops from our charming hotel in Madrid is the second most important museum in the Spanish capital: the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando), Read full article

Categories: Madrid Cultura

Una de templos sagrados

By | 26 December, 2014 | 0 comments

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Categories: Madrid Turismo

El Madrid más tailandés

By | 15 December, 2014 | 0 comments

comida tailandesaAsian cuisine is enjoying a sweet time in the Spanish capital, not limiting itself to sushi or classic Chinese food, but also leaving space for other different cuisines such as Thai cuisine.

Krachai restaurant, in the central Calle Fernando VI, is one of the best Thai restaurants in the city, with a pleasant decoration that includes soft floral ornaments. Read full article

Categories: Madrid Restaurantes

En bici por Madrid

By | 29 August, 2014 | 0 comments

bicimadMadrid is now like many other European cities since it can boast having a bicycle rental service. It was a project that was born as an alternative to contaminating forms of transport, so the BiciMad bicycles were put at the public’s disposal in spring of 2014. In this first phase, the project has 1560 bikes spread all over the city, Read full article

Categories: Madrid Turismo

Visitas teatralizadas por Madrid

By | 20 August, 2014 | 0 comments

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Categories: Madrid Cultura, Madrid Ocio, Madrid Turismo

Propuestas gratuitas en Madrid

By | 4 August, 2014 | 0 comments

Museo Thyssen MadridAlways aware of the timetables and days of the exhibition, the traveller will find days and time slots when it is free to enter museums to see its exhibitions. The Thyssen Museum, for example, allows access to its permanent exhibitions on Mondays from midday onwards and to the exhibitions of the Miradas Cruzadas programme on the rest of the days. Read full article

Categories: Madrid Ocio, Madrid Turismo

El Teatro Real trae la ópera “Boris Godunov”

By | 13 September, 2012 | 0 comments

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Categories: Madrid Ocio

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