
Lugares para comer cocido en Madrid

By | 20 October, 2011 | 0 comments

Legend has it that leaving Madrid without having tried a good and traditional Madrid’s cocido, a stew prepared with chick peas, potatoes, pork’s meat and pork’s fat, could be considered as a venial sin.

There are many places in the capital of Spain where you can try this deliscious dish, but only a few have preserved the tradition and the art such as it was cooked in the past.

The most typical tavern in Madrid is Malacatin. It is situated in Calle Ruda, 5, next to the Cascorro square. Malacatin is a very important place for history as many outstanding characters have gone through its doors.La taberna más típica madrileña es Malacatín. Se encuentra situada en la calle Ruda número 5, junto a Cascorro y es historia viva de la urbe porque por sus mesas han pasado insignes personajes.

Su mejor tarjeta de presentación es el lema que exhibe a la entrada: Descubra el sabor de Madrid con nuestro cocido madrileño. Y es verdad, porque esta taberna se fundó en 1895.

A la puerta de Malacatín siempre hay colas, siempre hay gente esperando. Y es que su receta del cocido es la tradicional, son la sopa de fideos, repollo al caldo lacón, patata cocida, trozos de morcillo, garbanzo de Castilla, chorizo de Cantimpalos, morcilla de Extremadura, gallina pelada, guindillas picantes, pepinillos al vinagre, cebollitas… y algún que otro ingrediente secreto más.

Este restaurante abre diariamente de 11 a 17 y de 20 a 23 horas. Los sábados por la noche y los domingos permanece cerrado al público.




Its best reference is its motto over the entrance door:  “Discover the flavour of Madrid with our cocido.” And it’s true, because this tavern was founded in 1895.

There are always people queuing to get into Malacatin. This is because its cocido’s recipe is the traditional one, with the vermicelli soup, cabbage with ham, boiled potatoes, shin, Castilian chickpeas, Cantimpalos’ chorizo sausage, Extremadura’s black pudding, chicken, spicy chillies, gherkins in vinegar, onions and a few other secret ingredients.

This restaurant opens daily from 11am till 5pm and 8pm till 11pm. Saturday evenings and Sundays it is closed.

Categories: Madrid Restaurantes

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